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Боксер Брэдли завершил спортивную карьеру

Экс-чемпион мира по боксу Тимоти Брэдли заявил о завершении карьеры.

«Я надеюсь остаться в боксе, готов тренировать, комментировать. Во время спортивной карьеры бывали моменты, когда я не хотел выбираться из-под одеяла из-за ран, синяков, царапин, но благодаря вам, дорогие поклонники, я преодолевал себя. Спасибо вам за 23-летнюю поддержку», — написал спортсмен на своей странице в инстаграме.

Ранее о завершении карьеры объявил олимпийский чемпион по боксу Владимир Кличко.

There always comes a point in life where we have to make choices that no matter how much we know the right option, it still leaves us filled with mixed emotions. I have spent the past couple days trying to find the right words to describe this point in my life and no matter how long I sit and reflect, I still don't know if these words can do my thoughts justice, but I'm going to do my best to open up my heart and share with all of you during this pivotal time. It is no secret that a life of any professional athlete is not an easy one- yes it comes with a lot of fame and fortune but also comes with fear and fatigue. A balance that has to be achieved by ambition and maintained through perspective. For over twenty three years, Boxing gave me purpose and it defined me. Dedicated to my craft and fueled by my passion for the sport, my love for my team and my admiration for all of you who supported me day in and day out-- I was able to give 100% of myself to be the best and to always get up when I was knocked down. It was the biggest challenge in my life but I embraced the sacrifice with every victory and milestone reached. Boxing gave me roots, it kept me off the streets, it gave me confidence, it taught me how to be a man and face every challenge head on and take the good with the bad. Yes I missed holidays, birthdays, even missed hearing some of my children's first words but more than time, it took my blood, sweat and tears, all things I can never get back. Which is why turning the page for me is bittersweet. That once in a lifetime purpose to wake up everyday and give 100% is now fueled towards something else- my family. I find my strength in them, my peace and most importantly, unconditional love. I wake up wanting to spend all my time being a father, being a husband and being free. Although that square circle I lived to dance in everyday gave me so many smiles and blessings, it could never out weigh the smiles and blessings I receive from my wife and children. It's now my turn to support them and encourage them to live their dreams and I couldn't be more excited for this next chapter.

Публикация от timbradleyjr (@timbradleyjr)

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